Tuesday, April 3, 2012

It's Got To Be A God Thing!

So, I have an amazing story to tell. It's about going to Chicago, and I've finally made a decision.

Yesterday I went to the BCM on campus to meet with four of my sisters for a Bible study. One of the first things we do is ask for prayer requests. There were a bunch of them going around, and I asked to be rid of  my procrastination in making the decision about next semester and for the funding to actually go. We prayed, and we did our Bible study. (Talked about the Resurrection in honor of Easter.) After the Bible study I was going to hang out with two of my sisters while they were studying. I stepped out of the doors of the BCM and my phone started ringing. It wasn't a number I recognized, and it was from Arizona. I decided to answer it. The lady on the other end asked for an Alanna. I told her she had the wrong number, but before I hung up she asked if I was Amber. I said yes, and then she explained she was an assistant professor of psychology from Roosevelt University. She was calling to welcome me to the psychology program and asked me if I had any questions. Usually I say no when I get these calls because they're usually really awkward. I told her I was interested in the forensic psychology program and she told me that she is a forensic psychologist. I got kind of excited at that point. I told her about my particular interests and wanting to study addictive behaviors. She started talking about a class that she's teaching at the Chicago campus in the fall, and she said that she thinks it's something that I would be interested in. She also said that if it all works out in the fall that there is another class that she's teaching in the spring and there might even be a job opportunity for me. (I should say that I was outside during this entire conversation and the sky got dark really fast and lightning and thunder came out of nowhere so I started running across campus back to my apartment. I barely beat the pouring rain.) As soon as I hung up with her, I call my dad and then my mom. I texted one of my sisters from the bible study. I told my grand-big and my friend from the psychology department at school here.

With the way the events unfolded, it has to be a God thing. I asked for help and there it was. I am thoroughly excited. I know I'm leaving some good people, but I think this is what I'm supposed to do. I can always get a film degree after I get my psych degree if that's where I feel led. But for now this is what I'm doing and I'm happy.

So after many months and posts, I am going to Roosevelt University in the fall and I will be in Chicago. :)