Saturday, February 19, 2011

Oh, Writer's Block

I should have known, when I actually wrote the introduction to my paper 3 weeks before it was due, that I would have issues writing the rest. In the last 2 hours, I've written 67 words--three sentences--on top of the 131 word--nine sentence--introduction. So I have a grand total of 198 words, which make up 12 sentences. :P Ugh. This pretty much sucks. I guess it's back to work.

-Me :)

Friday, February 18, 2011

This is for you "No Pants"...

I wish someone would inform the public that leggings ARE NOT pants. They are leggings to be worn under dresses or long, tunic-like shirts. EMPHASIS on LONG shirts. I do not like looking at butts, which is all you see with the leggings-as-pants scenario. I don't care if you are skinny or not--although if you are on the heavier side, I don't understand why you would even think of doing such a thing--but it does not look good. It's almost like being naked, but I guess it is slightly better because if you were naked, psychologists would be making a lot more money by this point. (I guess that's good for the psychologists, but not for innocent eyes.) Ugh...

Other people's

Have a lovely day!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Was that really necessary?

So, I was quite shocked by my  Art 110 instructor this afternoon. He was lecturing about the concepts of beauty and ugliness, and he was showing us some photography by Diane Arbus. One of the photos was of a very sickly looking boy. He was all skin and bones. He had knobby knees and claw-like hands. In one of his hands he had what looked like a hand grenade. He was a mess, dirt all over, and sloppy clothes. When my instructor got to the photo, he started making fun of the boy and calling him ugly. He has no idea why the boy looks like he does. He could be plagued with some sort of disease, and he's lucky to be alive. But my instructor has no idea. I realize that his point was that not all art is beautiful, and that the boy in the picture is probably old or dead by now, but I think making fun of the boy was a little out of line. He could have kept on the topic by simply stating that the boy is obviously not the most handsome and that he looks kind of sickly. Maybe I'm blowing this out of proportion, but it was really the only picture where he literally yelled, "You're ugly!" at the picture before moving on.

I guess that's one opinion of many. And that is the purpose of this blog, giving my opinion.

I think I'm finished with my rant. :)
Have a nice day! lol

Birthday Shout Out!

This is a Birthday Shout Out to Heather! :)

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Heather,
Happy Birthday to you! :)

Happy Birthday Heather! Hope you have an amazing day! Wish I was at home to say it in person.


Monday, February 14, 2011


I don't understand some people. I know it's not my job, nor am I required to. But sometimes you think you know someone so well, and they prove you completely wrong. It amazes me that some can act so well. Seriously, they should consider a career in Hollywood! Ugh.

I hate that I'm so riled up by this because it wasn't even about me. But it's not something that should have happened, and it makes me upset. I guess I'll get over it. I'm used to it. But I hope the others involved can move on too.

I guess I really have nothing else to say...