Monday, February 3, 2014

I'm Proud of Myself

I'm sorry, I can't help it. I am proud that I have managed to keep up with the blog for the past month. Sure, I'm not posting every day, but this post makes half as many as I did the whole year last year, so I think that's progress. :)

Anyway, so the real reason I'm posting today is because it's February! It means that I have 1) survived the first month of 2014, 2) survived two weeks of my last undergraduate semester, and 3) made it one month closer to graduation! (88 days, by the way.)

I think I am getting back into the swing of school, and I am managing okay. It's not perfection, and it could be better, but I feel a lot better than I did three weeks ago.

One thing that I feel the same about now as I did three weeks ago is the weather. Okay, I understand that I live in Chicago. I understand; it gets cold, and it snows. But this whole 'polar vortex' thing needs to go back to Canada. I am sorry to my Canadian friends, but I just can't handle it anymore. I'm tired of 20 degree weather, like today, being a heat wave. This is NOT a heat wave. I want the light jacket weather that we skipped back in September and October. Seriously, it was over 90 degrees on my birthday and by Halloween, we had freezing temperatures. That's not fair! :(

So, basically, I want winter to end now because we were cheated out of fall.

<3 Amber Marie

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