Saturday, February 15, 2014

The Tradition Continues!

Oh. My. Goodness. I cannot believe it is happening again.

Heather is another year older.

Were you not just nine years old??

Seriously, this is not cool.

You are making me feel old.

I do not like that feeling.

Such is life, I suppose.

So, Heather. Happy birthday.

Congratulations on being another year older.

I am glad to have been a part of your growing up.

I just cannot believe how old you are.

Anyway, love you, my beautiful friend.

<3 Amber Marie

p.s. Ashley and I was just discussing how old certain little kids that we used to watch in children's church are getting, so it's not just you who is making my 21 years of life seem like so much longer. :)

p.p.s. This one was a lot sappier than past years...I guess that comes with old age... ;)

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Amber!!! <3
    This is always one of my favorite birthday things. :)
    Love you!!!
