My dad and I got up early Thursday morning and drove to Chicago. The first big thing we did was go apartment hunting. (Nothing had worked out thus far and it was kind of getting to the last minute because even though I'm not moving in until August 10th, my roommate needed to move in today.) But we had some time to kill until our first appointment, so we went to the beach. Yes, the beach. It was beautiful! SEE, I told you!
Anyway, we saw two places. The first was cheaper but the kitchen and the bathroom were tiny and there was no a/c. The second place was a lot bigger and it had a/c!! :) Lol. But seriously, the second place was definitely my favorite. It was a block from a grocery store, a bank (which I happen to bank at), and a Family Dollar. Perfect location in regards to a CTA bus stop (literally right outside the building) and a CTA Red line stop (a block and a half away). So I was excited. It just had to work out.
After we left the second apartment, we went to check into our hotel. {This is a picture of downtown Chicago on our way back into town from the northside. The buildings are huge!!!} We stayed at the Congress Plaza Hotel and Convention Center. It is literally across the street from my school. Seriously, it was 203 feet from the front entrance of the hotel to the front entrance of Roosevelt University. (Google Maps told me so. Lol)
There is also the Wasbash building, which is brand new. It's also 31 stories high and is the second tallest higher education building in the United States. (The tallest is in Pennsylvania, which according to my orientation leader, Brett, doesn't count because it doesn't overlook Lake Michigan.) It is a completely green building. Everything that could possibly be made of recycled materials, is made of them! Everything that went into the building was better for the earth and everyone in the building, even the paint was the fume-less kind. And I think the best part is that the elevator speaks to you in a British accent! When she says the floor or "going up" and "going down," it is a distinctly British voice. Also, all of the handicapped exits that lead to the elevators say "lift." We're pretty sure that whoever designed the building was a Brit. :) {In the picture the Auditorium building is the tan building. The Wabash building is the tall glass building beside it. I love the zig-zag look on both sides!} There is also the Gage building, but I haven't seen it yet. I will soon then because all of my classes are in there this semester. :)
Anyways, Thursday night, Dad and I ate at this little café called Artists Café. It's next door to the Auditorium building. I have a feeling that I will be seeing a lot of this place. :)
Friday was orientation day! We had to be at check-in at 8:30 in the morning. So, we got up early and had Dunkin' Donuts for breakfast. I had a huge iced coffee because I definitely needed the caffeine. Orientation started at 9, and we literally didn't leave until 4 pm. Lunch was good though! We had lunch in the Wabash building's cafeteria.
We were really tired after orientation, and we didn't feel like walking too much, so we had dinner at WingStop. Yay, chain food places. :) Lol.
On Saturday we drove around a bit, but we were kind of tired, so we headed back to Indy. Somehow we ended up on a toll road, which was different than the road we came in on, and we had to pay $5 worth of tolls. (We finally figured out that we came into Chicago on 94 rather than 90, which is the toll road we left on.) We made it back to Indy around 4 pm (Their time, Eastern time. Yeah, lots of time changing...blech!) No sooner did we walk in the door of my grandparents' house, I got a call from the realtor saying my roommate and I were approved for the second apartment! But this posed a new problem: I had to sign the lease before my roommate could move in.
My dad and I were originally supposed to leave to head back to Louisiana on Sunday morning. Instead we ended up having to drive back to Chicago. Yay!! :) {This is the traffic we had to drive in and some pretty buildings. Lol}
I met up with the realtor and signed the lease, and just like that, I had a place to live in CHICAGO! :D
After I signed the lease, we drove back to Indy and had a good night's rest. We got up Monday morning and started the 13 hour drive back to Louisiana. And let me just say, as much as I love people here, the weather SUCKS! I got back here and it was so humid. The first words out of my mouth were, "Can we go back to Chicago now?" My dad looked at me and said, "I don't think so." Hehe.
So anyway, next Thursday I am leaving Louisiana for good. It hasn't hit me yet, and I've only packed one box, but I know that it's not going to be super easy. But this is a good thing. It's what's supposed to happen, and I am excited! (The only way I would be more excited is if Ash was coming with me.)
Yay for updates! :D
<3 AmberMarie
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