SO, here are a few updates:
- I got a second job at the end of May. I'm currently employed at Lane Bryant and Bath and Body Works. Yay??
- I moved. I no longer live 45 minutes (on a REALLY good day) away from school and work. I am a 15 minute walk from work and 30 minutes from school (on an average day). So YAY!
- I will not be visiting Louisiana until at least Christmas, if not New Year's. I thought I might make it there at some point this summer, but the new job and the old one and life happened, and visiting is just not possible. Not yay...
- I am not planning on law school anymore (for now, at least). Instead, I am focusing on getting a Master's in school counseling or school psychology. This means no LSAT, for now, and instead I am studying for the GRE...soooo
- I am not taking a year off like I wanted, which means, after next summer, I may no longer live in Chicago. It all depends on the programs I get accepted to and can afford. I am planning on applying to 3 programs in Chicago, but none of them are in the top 5 of my 8 schools (which, if you just did the math, means that they are actually my bottom 3...).
- In regards to grad school, I have 8 schools in 4 states picked out. 2 in California, 1 in Washington, 2 in New York, and 3 in Chicago.
- And finally, since I am a giant nerd, I CANNOT WAIT TO BE BACK IN SCHOOL! The 23rd cannot come fast enough. I am kind of really excited about my classes for this semester...but check back with me in September because that might change pretty
Anyway, as far as classes this semester go, I did not go quite as crazy as last semester. I'm only taking 5 (15 hours), so that's nice. Since I am a senior and I, apparently, did a great job picking the classes I wanted to take, I had a bit of freedom in my choices for classes this semester, and it looks like I can pretty much take whatever I want next semester, literally. This fall I'm taking: Intro to Criminal Justice, Intro to International Relations, Psychological Study of Racism, Imperial Russia, and Learning. The only classes I had to take were racism and learning, and that's because they were the only classes that interested me that fulfilled their respective requirements.
So, yeah. I'm a senior and this is my life right
Until next time,
Amber Marie <3